Santa Cruz, California


City of Santa Cruz, California


MRF Feasibility Study


In 2003, under subcontract to Environmental Science Associates, reviewed and analyzed the financial requirements and feasibility of the City’s planned expansion of its Resource Recovery Facility. Our work involved estimating capital and operating costs based on various levels of throughput and material mixes. We also performed a ‘make vs. buy’ analysis by comparing the cost of expanding the facility with the incremental cost of using a facility in a nearby jurisdiction. We compared the incremental travel costs, tipping fee and potential material sales revenue with the cost of expanding the existing facility.

Santa Cruz

Case Studies

Chula Vista, California

In 2011, we performed a solid waste fee survey for the City. We gathered information about the franchise fees, AB 939 Fees, and other solid waste-related fees charged by…

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Orange, California

In 2007, we assisted the City in performing a cost of service analysis of its sanitation service rates. Work included designing new rates for single family, multi-family…

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Vernon, California

Since 2000, we have assisted the City achieve its AB 939 diversion goals. Our work has consisted of monitoring the City’s reported tons, and preparing the…

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Tacoma, Washington

In 2013, we served as technical consultant to Raftelis Financial Consultants in support of a water/wastewater/solid waste utility rate study.

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South Gate, California

In 2004, we reviewed the revenue, expenses, and throughput for a transfer station located in the City. Assisted the City in negotiations to adjust the…

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